Thursday 8 January 2009

Art Attack! Belated holiday well wishes

Because "better late than never" is one of the only mottos I'll ever swear by. Sham Studio are also fashionably late to the party, with the new year card 5 days overdue. Notice that the art is from B.K, who also provided MOSAIC.WAV with the jacket art to their recent C75-exclusive こどやみ mini-album. mi~ko lovingly refers to the character on the card as 牛子さん... new theme song confirmed?

(click for a much larger version)

This next one is from momoi-superfan mandi-chan, who as you all know contributed the superb artwork for this blog's banner. Thanks again! She wishes all of us a merry [insert your own personal appellation of a December 25-related holiday] and a happy new year (only to her LJ friends however). I can't wait to see you as a tiger next year...

Finally, I have no art to offer (of course) but stick around this blog for another great year of denpa reporting, speculating and opining, to the best of my ability and availability. I welcome all of your (few) comments and your (numerous) emails, so let's have another great year together!

1 comment:

Nadirah said...

Happy (belated) New Year :D