Saturday 14 April 2012

M3-2012春: Second ななひら solo album 『MagiQute!!』

It's been over a year and a half since the C77 release of the still-amazing 『ゴキゲン77゚↑』but Princess ななひら hasn't gotten any less busy, lending her beautiful voice to dozens of sweet doujin albums since (not to mention a couple of commercial efforts). But for those of us looking forward to a full-on solo effort, now is the time to rejoice! Introducing her second album 『MagiQute!!』 set to be released on April 30th 2012 at the spring edition of M3-2012. Check out this fantastic sampler!

Everything's in place to ensure a high-quality album, from the requisite Satsuki-powered opening tracking to a fabulous きくお composition. ポヤッチオ circle owner and accomplished composer かたほとり mentions on his blog that they made an effort to reach out to new music fans out there, so they brought in various composers that contributed in their own way. The end result is jam-packed with lovely 萌え/電波 songs, so this is mandatory owning material for all denpanosekai readers!

Here's the tracklist, including composers and lyricists. Note that the last track is actually a cover of a 春歌ナナ song, a UTAU based on her voice! The same thing happened back in December 2011 on 『プチリズムふぉお///』. Really nifty way to re-introduce a (very good) song!

Update: Full version and PV of the song 「爆発!ラブパニック!」 was just released. Deadly denpa poison! Stellar きくお composition and out-of-this-world performance from our darling ななひら!!

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