Saturday 12 February 2011

Japan Firsthand: Comiket 79 Part 2 - Photo Journal

Most blogs stick to publishing pictures of amateur cosplayers. That's cool and all, but since everyone and their mom/dog has got that part covered, we decided to go after the "pro" cosplayers. Plus we were having a lot of fun in the business section and ran into a bunch of awesome people such as Toromi and doreCHU, so we just stuck by that area for most of our "free" time. All pictures by CRIMExTHINK (click for larger resolution).

Warning!! Tons of BIIIIG pictures after the jump.

How about we start with the ave;new booth?

Lots of fans lined up for a handshake session!

More ave;new booth-age.

Honestly she didn't look that Japanese to us

This was TOTALLY creepy, so we loved it.

The compromise for taking her picture was having to pet the thing.
As you can imagine it was covered in otaku sweat.

In hindsight, nothing exciting about this picture. HOWEVER!
This is where we first saw とろ美. She did the 了法寺 dance for us!

I think I've heard about this anime. Not sure though.

I think I've heard about this game. Not sure though.

Reminds you of someone? Me neither.

Massive wall of photographers for these girls, so we figured it was worth our time.

So, very interesting story behind this girl...
Not only is she super cute, she's also a DENPA SINGER!
But we swore not to reveal her name. Sorry folks!

The dude after us instantly went into low-angle mode.

More low-angle fodder. Not us, though!
We'd never stoop that low....... (harr harrrr)

Finally! Someone with class and decency.

Straight outta Korean MMORPG.

More pretty ladies!
Running out of things to say here.

Kuroneko-style, with extra smile.

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper creepy.
I think she wanted us to touch these XXXL panties too.

Oh, don't worry. There was definitely underwear down there.
I checked just to make sure... in case... you know.

These ladies were shooting separately, but united for us.

That's a nice collection of white poles.

Toromi/Torobenten had a collaboration with Hello Kitty.
Unfortunately the HK people were TOTALLY clueless as to who she was.
Worse, I wanted to get just the Toromi illustration
but it was a random gift when buying a 10,000 yen set.

There's this big ass saw in front of Tokyo Big Sight.
Japan was once an industrial superpower, before becoming a nation of nerds.

Speaking of which, we bumped into this dude who was getting ready for Day 3.
He was wrapped in a big anime blanket and a clear raincoat for the night.

Don't get us wrong. We have NOTHING but RESPECT for this guy.
Hardcore Otaku Nerds, WE SALUTE YOU!


mandichan said...

Nice, I can totally see Rie in the ave;new shots! Cute babes and that hardcore guy owns!

Paranda said...

aaahhh i see dRESS with the big hair, rierin, miwachan, and LOL uzuki with the cross handshake

Anonymous said...

heee~ the otaku guy sure looks happy to have his photo taken! ;3