Saturday 6 April 2013

M3-2013春: doubleeleven UpperCut/undercurrent 『DEUCHOLIC』

With about three weeks to go until M3-31春, the winter drought is almost behind us! In a surprisingly importer-friendly move, eroge OP masters doubleeleven UpperCut provided information about their upcoming CD sometime back in February 2013. Their official website also got a brand new look and now features a complete discography section. The big news they were teasing is actually twofold.

First they will release a best-of CD 『DEUCHOLIC』 on April 29th 2013, featuring 22 tracks from both doubleeleven undercurrent and UpperCut. This is a great occasion for new fans to jump in with the best they've got. But for those of us who already own all deUC albums, this is still a good deal in case you're not familiar with their other unit "deuc" (no caps!). I'm pleased to report that 「Love Survival ~愛の軍事演習~」 will be included, this may just be my favourite song from them. Comparing their oldest and newest stuff is interesting, they evolved quite a bit in just 4 years.

The other news means a little more to their Japanese fans, but we're going to report it anyway! doubleeleven (both UpperCut and undercurrent) will be performing full sets at their first one-man live concert on May 18th 2013. Guests include the lovely 藤原鞠菜, d@isy tune and 西沢はぐみ. Sounds like a hell of a party... the rest of us will have to imagine being there, but that's 100% denpa-style! Actually, I'll try to make it up to worldwide deUC fans soon... stay tuned!

Doujincore Import Info (deadline April 26th 7AM PST)
Label:  doubleeleven (A13a)

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