Sunday, 26 December 2010

C79: IOSYS, ALBATROSICKS, DystopiaGround, Siestail +more!

We've already covered a bunch of hot C79 tickets but with the event happening in a few days, it's high time to finish our shopping list suggestions. Also worth noting: is organizing a group import until December 28th! New this time: it covers Days 2 and 3. If you want any of the following items and can't make it to Comiket in person, then that's your BEST option! Trust us, it feels good (man) to give these underground doujin artists your hard-earned dough. They truly deserve it too! As a reminder, here's what we already covered:
Now here are some more MUST-BUY items!!!

First up is a MONSTER of a Touhou Denpa record! And that's not even just our words, IOSYS themselves have dubbed their 16th album "NO DENPA NO LIFE". Strong words from one of the world's most notorious doujin circle!  Hot manly tears trickled down my cheeks when I first laid eyes upon this motto and the beautiful nurse trio which is sure to serve as the album's cover art. But that's not all: Queen とろ美 herself is singing the opening track「ロマンチック早苗ラブ」! Here's the PV and crossfade MP3.

Perhaps the greatest feature of 「東方云符不普」 (Touhou Unfufufu) is that it benefits from a strong theme. This isn't just a bunch of random songs, there's a focus on 電波系 in each and every song. Surely even regular IOSYS fans will appreciate this conscious effort, regardless of their views on denpa. Add yet another strong ingredient to this winning recipe: hardcore DJ uno (a.k.a RoughSketch) is contributing more and more songs these days! This is sure to win over a bunch of new fans... way to go IOSYS!

Still with IOSYS, we now have a second Albatrosicks tribute album! 「MERGE THE STRAWBERRY!」 features five tracks taken from all five of their official albums. There's a little bit of something for everyone this time around. For instance, the first track 「ミコリザ4世」 is a strong eurobeat flavoured remix courtesy of DJ Command. As an aside, this is the same dude who came up with the unbelievable 「アニメユーロベスト~School Edition~」 which is chock-full of pumped up anime theme songs performed by ななひら and ボク, among others! Tracks 3 and 4 slow things down, but REDALiCE made sure to end the mini-album on a high note!

nao's post-fripSide unit DystopiaGround is going to release a fourth album at C79! Simply titled 「#004」, it will feature an opening track by none other than ARM from IOSYS! There's also a rocking track by Demetori, a slow X-mas tune from 5pb president 志倉千代丸 and an upbeat little from 新井健史 (Araken), who is frequently in charge of her denpa songs (including her latest eroge song). Another strong DG release, nao fans don't miss up! All four songs can be sampled on the homepage.

Another Comiket, another badass album by C.H.S. head-honcho t+pazolite and his eternal vocal companion リズナ. Together at Comiket 78, they came up with the unique「Honey I Scream!」; too hard for denpa purists, too weird for JCore snobs... but absolutely PERFECT for crossover fans. t+pazolite is not afraid to tread uncharted waters and give us his absolute best material each and every time he releases something. 「RESetup;」 follows in that direction and offers 10 fantastic Touhou arrange songs, three of which include vocals from Lady Rizuna.

Speaking of Rizuna, she was once heavily associated to doujin circle Siestail, especially under her previous pseudonym 鈴木ななこ. These days she almost exclusively sings for t+pazolite, but that certainly hasn't stopped Siestail from releasing new albums! Their latest effort 「魔法のリップサービス」 (Magic Lip Service) is a concrete example of resilience shown by circle owner すぺらんかー (Spelunker). Since the late nineties, the circle went through a couple of mutations and featured tons of different vocalists and graphic artists, but he keeps trucking on. In 2010 alone, he has released ELEVEN albums on his label Siestail, quite impressive. The last one of the year is pretty damn cute and should please Touhou fans looking for something sweet.

How to prepare Toromi... the Toromi way! Denpa Queen とろ美 is cooking up a new album for Comiket 79! Very little information has been shared so far, here's what we know: 7 tracks total, two of them by ARM (!), one of them is considered bonus (?)... and this crazy cool illustration may or may not be the cover art. Talk about a multi-talented artist! Oh but track #3 「センセイ布告 」 was definitely released back in March 2010 on a self-titled single. Pretty sure that song was for an eroge ED, but no matter, one less hunk of plastic to hunt down! If you haven't read our 2-part Toromi feature/interview... WHY?!? Go read them now! Part 1 is a photo journal from a visit to Ryohoji and part 2 is an exclusive interview, with video! By the way, Ryohoji is releasing a second CD; although it doesn't feature new songs, it does include a lot of voice work by とろ弁天!

Finally, here are a couple of quick-picks:
  • Halozy are releasing TWO new albums for C79: 「Halozy Remixes vol.1」 (MP3) is obviously a remix album, while 「Cosmic Armonica」 (MP3) features brand new songs. Both have tracks with ななひら! That's all you need to know!!!
  • I've Sound will release a live DVD from their Summer 2010 SHORT CIRCUIT III concert in Tokyo.
  • No full-length album from MOSAIC.WAV (??!?) but they do have a fourth うじゅ CD!
  • SHOT MUSIC has a BAD ASS CD featuring 13 eroge hits remixed hardcore-style. 「SUPER SHOT3 -美少女ゲームリミックスコレクション‐」 has work from DJ SHIMAMURA, REDALiCE, DJ SHARPNEL (and more) as well as vocals from 民安★ROCK, YURIA, 榊原ゆい and more!
Check out the Denpa Watchlist on the right column for last-minute additions! Last post of the year for us!! Happy new year and/or see ya at Comiket!!! FOLLOW US ON TWITTER!!!!!!!

Saturday, 25 December 2010

C79: ちぃむdmp☆ and かたほとり take MOE to the MAX

Just take a quick look at the Denpa Watchlist to your right and suffice to say, this seventy-ninth edition of Comiket will be one for the ages. There is a sheer amount of mind-blowing original material coming out, including two of the HOTTEST moe~denpa albums to be released in recent memory (ever?). What's more, both 「プチリズムCHU」 (from Katahotori) and 「電波っぽいのっ!」 (from ちぃむdmp☆) share some of the same staff members, such as さつきがてんこもり and かたほとり on the producer front and of course both 桃箱 and 愛原圭織, the two girls from ちぃむdmp☆ appearing on both their own album and contributing one track to the other. Pure hotness overload, so let's break it down!

We've been covering 桃箱 (momobako) and 愛原圭織 (kaorin) as best as we could, ever since they started uploading covers to nicovideo under the "歌ってみた" tag. However, the two singers have only recently united their efforts on an official basis, giving birth to the latest denpa unit ちぃむdmp☆ (team denpa☆). What's more, this upcoming debut album will not be featuring their splendid covers which you can already download for free... instead, it will be TWELVE ORIGINAL SONGS! Start the below player to hear a full album sampler, or download it directly and make love, not war.

Is this high-quality denpa or what? Watch out for the third track, which is particularly violent and may leave you with a bigger nosebleed than getting a puck in the face. Our boy Satsuki composed the highly energetic fifth tune, which kicks in at the 1:50 mark. If you particularly enjoy the Xmas track (11), then you're in luck! The girls have graciously uploaded the full MP3 as a gift to all of their fans. Finally, you can also print this Comiket flyer and put it up on your walls!

Get ready for a mega meltdown courtesy of Katahotori and his loli-loving friends. His C79 compilation album 「プチリズムCHU」assembles a plethora of top billing doujin singers such as the aforementioned ちぃむdmp☆, kana, ココ and Nimo, but also the delectable ななひら who appears in two songs. On the backend, かたほとり himself came up with four songs, while さつき が てんこもり, きくお and まぞっぷ each provided two efforts. That's right, another TEN TRACKS of PURE 萌えソング bliss. Here's a sampler:

If this promo video doesn't load for you, then make sure to download the MP3 from nicosound instead. Again, how good is this eh??? Because of the staff crossover and the related themes, it's almost impossible to get only one of these two albums. You absolutely have to buy both!

Thursday, 23 December 2010

C79: Cat-punching doubleeleven UpperCut set for round 2

Well, do you?
doubleeleven Upper Cut are about to change the game with their upcoming next-level denpa maneuver. How? Of course you would ask that question, hater. STOP HATING. And start playing this fatherfucking crossfade sample below (or download it), taken from the new compilation CD 「Do you like Upper Cut?? 2!!」. See how they don't mess around with punctuation?? That's SMART!! Here's the track list; 7-12 are karaoke versions.
  1. White Purity ~純白純真恋模様~
  2. Virgin Scarlet ~真紅の恋愛魔術師~
  3. Dawn to Azure ~決戦の夜明け、群青の空~
  4. shoot the bullet, silver bullet ~裏切りの鈍色銃弾~
  5. Yellow Sensation ~秋深し 黄色く染まる 修学旅行生(トラベラー)~
  6. Ring My Golden Bell ~聖夜に響け 黄金の鐘の音~

Let's back the fuck up. Like foxes on a henhouse, they stealthily released their debut album back in May 2010. As hard as I jocked them, the merciless slaughter was so abrupt that nobody noticed the ravage. But this writer, THIS writer right here, he still pumps those sick jams on a daily basis. The first volume had "LOVE" as a theme, with song titles such as "Love Infinity", "Love Messenger" and "Love Climax". Joan Jett said it best, Love is Pain, so get ready for a world of HURT if you haven't heard the first album yet... WAKE UP!

For the second album, they're gonna mix things up with an avant-garde concept: COLOURS. That's right. Let your perverted imagination run wild with tracks such as "White Purity", "Virgin Scarlet", "Yellow Sensation" and my favourite, "Ring My Golden Bell". As a reminder, these are eroge opening songs. If you still don't get it, hide your kids, hide your wife and hide your husband then check out Softhouse-Seal, the game studio which ordered all of these fantastic tunes.

To wrap things up, how about this nice 1-hour long radio show they just uploaded? It focuses specifically on the second volume (breaking it down song-by-song) along with all kinds of hilarious digressions. Finally, they managed to woo/trick 民安ともえ into inviting them to perform at her birthday show, where they will cover some of the long-standing moe diva's songs, presumably the more denpa ones. Already looking forward to the third volume in mid-2011, so don't let us down deUC!

Monday, 20 December 2010

C79: IOSYS and TANO*C set to battle on disc, paper and stage

Something gigantic this way comes! On December 29th 2010, IOSYS and HARDCORE TANO*C will be locked in the ultimate DJ battle of the year. There has been a growing number of  intra-circle collaborations in the underground doujin scene for the past couple years, but this one takes the crown. A grand total of 26 artists will be collaborating: mangaka, illustrators, DJs, VJs, singers, graphics designers and so on. This isn't just a CD, just a manga book or just a split live set... it's all THREE at once! Let's start with the music.
  1. kz vs RoughSketch vs A~YA / Let Your Decks Be Played
  2. ono☆ken vs DJ ARM / THE BIG BERG
  3. REDALiCE vs Thanatos vs DJ 豚鼻博士 vs t+pazolite vs 野宮あゆみ / believe my soul
  4. t+pazolite vs DJ ARM / Rise Up 2 the Higher
  5. Thanatos vs DJ 豚鼻博士 / Ascension
  6. P*Light vs D.watt vs Nana Takahashi / A Night Before Revolution
  7. DJ 豚鼻博士 vs DJ 一戸建 / SUPER KIMOI
  8. RoughSketch vs Morrigan / DISTORTED WAVES
  9. DJ ARM vs DJ TECHNORCH / Beat to the Catastrophe
  10. REDALiCE vs DJ ARM vs 三澤秋 / Monomachia
All involved DJs will participate in one way or another to the 10 tracks present on disc. Four of them (presumably 1, 3, 6, 10) will also feature vocals. As you can see, DJ ARM is present on 40% of the tracks, so this disc is very relevant to 電波の世界 readers. You shouldn't have to ask "why", but the official MegaPeer website describes him as an "incredibly proficient denpa song creator" so there you go. Of course, REDALiCE is the second biggest attraction on this list (or first depending on your background) and then the other DJs are far, faaaar from being nobodies. There is no crossfade sampler to this day, but the soundtrack is  described as "club music" and songs are said to match the manga characters' personality.

Speaking of which, the CD will come enclosed in a massive B5-sized 150-pages manga book, with full color cover + flaps. The book will also feature cameos from such DJs as USAO, DJ Noriken, DJ-Technetium and crazy motherfucker kenta-v.ez., among others. Interestingly enough, IOSYS seem to portray the "good guys" (light blue) while HARDCORE TANO*C are clearly going to be the "bad guys" (aggressive red), especially when you look at the masked REDALiCE and t+pazolite as an evil clown. No matter who wins it in the end, this is sure to be one hell of a hot-blooded tale!

Finally, those of us lucky enough to be in Tokyo on January 8th 2010 can attend a MEGAPEER live event featuring all of the involved musicians. Namely, DJs from ALiCE'S EMOTiON, IOSYS, WAVE, onoken, Alstroemeria Records and many more circles will be tearing shit up all day long. This is most likely where the VJs will get their time to shine as well. There is actually very little info about this concert other than it starts at 2PM and tickets are available now through Lawson (code 70888). All of the latest details can be found at See ya there!!!

Saturday, 18 December 2010

Japan Firsthand: Ryohoji & Toromi Part 2 - Interviews

Here's the second and final part of our "Ryohoji & Toromi" article. Make sure to check out Part 1 if you haven't already seen it, lots of pictures! This time, we have an exclusive interview with Toromi herself, along with a surprise video message! Ryohoji head priest NAKAZATO Nichikou is also present after the jump, so make sure to read on!

Interview With Toromi

Toromi: I'm here in Nishi-Hachiouji, together with Mandi! Yoroshiku onegaisimasu-. Toro written in hiragana, Mi written "beauty", makes Toromi!

DnS: Up until now you've worked on singing, manga, cosplay, as a seiyuu, and many other things. Are there any new challenges you'd like to try?"

Toromi: Ehh--?! Something I haven't tried yet... Ummmm... Well.... I wonder... I can't think of anything off the top of my head.

DnS: Sorry, it's hard to think about it on the spot, isn't it!

Toromi: Saying I want to go to America would be the obvious thing to say, wouldn't it? Something more original would be more interesting... Well, I guess I'd like to go to America and do a live concert~!

Monday, 13 December 2010

ACT: New unit featuring Ayu, Coda and t+pazolite

A thousand apologies to our readers who rely on our round-ups to pad out their doujin shopping lists... we made a monumental omission on our M3-2010 fall coverage! ACT is a new moe~dical sound unit with strong hardcore undertones, featuring nurse あゆ (IOSYS) and physician coda (COOL&CREATE) on vocals, as well as doctor t+pazolite (C.H.S) composing the music! This all-star trio released its first mini-album 「A+C+T」 on October 31st 2010, with the three following tracks sampled in this crossfade demo.

  1. Do love me!
  2. Key to lustiness
  3. 5分でわかるこれまでのACT

Since "topazo" composed all of these original tracks, this album comes highly recommended to his fans; especially if you're more into his リズナ collaborations as these new songs very similar. あゆ is no stranger to moe/denpa songs, having released an album of her own just a year ago. Coda is an interesting third pillar, as he provides male vocals. This is quite the rarity in this genre, but both vocalists complement each other very well.

All three tracks are worth listening to, but the third one really shows off t+pazolite's hardcore background. The BPM in 「5分でわかるこれまでのACT」 is relentless and heavily distorted guitars are frequently used. He even provides a few screams throughout this fantastic 5-minute odyssey. 「Do love me!」is a great choice for an anthemic opener, while 「Key to lustiness」 feels exotic and funky. Overall this is a fantastic offering from these three veterans, let's hope they can stitch up a full-length album in 2011!

Friday, 10 December 2010

Exclusive interview with さつきがてんこもり (Studio皐)

さつきがてんこもり (Satsuki ga Tenkomori, from Studio皐) is a favourite here at 電波の世界. His first breakthrough hit was the "denpa hammer" song, which earned him permanent coverage on this site. From then on, he collaborated with ななひら, Birdtune, 天然ジェミニ and many, many more. His most recent claim-to-fame: he has contributed an ending song to 「俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない」 (ore no imouto)! It features the lovely vocals of veteran seiyuu 田村ゆかり.

Satsuki was kind enough to take some time out of his busy schedule and answer nine of our questions. Since he's not exactly proficient in English, he answered one of them... with a song! (interview conducted October 2010).

- First of all, congratulations for winning the contest. How did you react when you learned the news?

I'm glad that I could support one of the hottest anime shows this season!
Akihabara and the "Big site" (a comic market place) are filled with posters of "oreimo" now :D

- After such a major milestone in your career, will you still write doujin music for Comiket and Nicovideo?

While I will pursue activities in the major scene from now on, I will keep contributing to doujin music and uploading songs to nicovideo.

- The signature Satsuki sound is deep groovy bass that cuts through like a chainsaw, with hyperactive drums that knock you out like a strong coffee. What are some of your influences?

Thank you for the description :D
I do focus on getting bass and drums to stand out in my songs. I am influenced by various artists such as MOSAIC.WAV, imoutoid, Yasutaka Nakata and more...

- How is creating songs for Hatsune Miku different from working real singers?

Since the default settings are not really good, Miku takes just as much trouble as a human being after all. Every good girl needs dedication!

- Just before you upload your newest creation to Nicovideo, how would you describe your feelings?

Whenever I upload my videos, I feel a bit nervous. It kind of sucks when there is little feedback too.

- Which software and hardware do you use to create your songs?

I use windows XP and tools such as SONAR and Reason. As for hardware, Roland's SC-88 pro.

- What songs do you play live?

Mainly my own music, but I also remix music from my friends. I play with a "no-hold-barred" style!

- You once told me that one of your English teachers didn't like you. What's the story?

Instead of going to school, I stayed home and played MMORPGs all day long. I did my best to avoid that teacher! This new song describes the experience...

- Despite this, do you think you will one day write a song with full English lyrics?

That's a possibility! But because I'm really bad, I will have to wait until web translation machines have evolved to the next level... XD

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

C79: Let's start with an ave;new project-o update-o

Since ave;new projecto was the first denpa unit to announce its winter comiket goods, it's only fair to start our C79 coverage with them! On the other hand, much of the following information was already diligently covered by mandi on our twitter account, so nothing new here for some of you (fine) folks.

It appears all complaints directed towards ave;new's Momoe Paruchu figure (originally set for release in August 2010) were valid. ave;new acknowledged the situation and delayed its release to late 2010. Lucky for them, this coincides with the bi-annual Comiket event which is where they stand to make the most sales. Even if you're not a veteran collector, it's easy to see that the quality was much improved. Click the following links for high-resolution images: LIGHT version (regular release, Feb 2011), DARK version (C79 exclusive). Amiami is still taking reservations, but they haven't updated their images.

The 12cm POP-designed figurine comes with the new CD 「ぱるちゅの☆おやCHU」 but it doesn't seem like that album includes any new songs unfortunately. There are two remixed versions of older songs and that's about it, unless they're hinting at new material with the "and more..." heart-shaped cookie, but odds are this means a Momoe Paruchu drama track. But if you want new ave;new projecto music, then check out this next youtube video.

This is their one of their latest denpa song 「超越↑↑恋してナイしょ☆メア!!」 which combines 佐倉紗織 and 井上みゆ for maximum kawaii destruction. It was composed by doreCHU of course, and is the OP theme song to the game 『俺の彼女はヒトでなし』 which comes out December 24th 2010. In related news, ave;new will also handle the ending theme. Although it is not a denpa song, it does feature 白沢理恵 who frequently appears on projecto tunes, so fans should look out for that one as well.

And while we're talking about her, she also took care of two more denpa songs recently. The first one is 「イチャイチャ☆りちゅある!!」, a duet with Sakura Saori which came out this summer and will most definitely appear on A La Mode 3. The second one is quite unique, because 「ご機嫌ロマンス☆ラズベリィみさいる!!」 is used as the theme song to the manga 『絶対不発アトミックガール』 which got itself a free four-part reading on Youtube, complete with BGM!


Saturday, 4 December 2010

Japan Firsthand: Ryohoji & Toromi Part 1 - Photo Journal

Hey DnS readers, Mandi here. As you may or may not know, I've been working "behind the scenes" here for a while, but this is my first article in what will hopefully be a series of firsthand reports and interviews from Japan [ed: many more coming!]. This time my travels brought me to the much talked about "Moe Temple" Ryohoji (了法寺). As reported here before, the cute and creative multi-talented Toromi (とろ美) is the one who adds the moe element in her music, art, and performances. Keep reading for a photo journal of my trip, and in my next article I'll post my first hand interview with Toromi herself, including video!

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

New Team LOVE BULLETS album 「タイアッパーズ!」

Although it's been about a year and a half since 「Love BulletsⅢ」, the last proper Team LOVE BULLETS album, they are far from dead. It's true that their published output this year was limited to two meager songs, but things are about to change. GWAVE just announced that a full-length album will come out on December 24th 2010, featuring a whopping 12 tracks... and possibly more!

LOVE BULLETS×タイアッパーズ!」 (tie-uppers) is a collection of their most recent tie-up songs, none of which were released on the three previous mini-albums. In fact, some of these songs are slated to appear on games that haven't even been released!! How often does that happen? Here's the list of announced tracks:

PSP game 「オレは少女漫画家」 (Giza10)

PC game 「少交女」 (たぬきそふと)
  • 小さな恋

PC game 「GreenStrawberry」 (Loversoul)

PC game 「はぴさま」 (SugarPot)
  • Oh My Goddess!!
  • 閃光天使ウルトラローズ

PC game 「フレーミングサマー」 (WAVESTAR)

PC game 「EllePrieR」 (Etoiles)

PC game 「このままじゃ姉とセックスしてしまう!? -あれ、弟よ、いま中でださなかった?-」 (OLE-M)

This CD does seem to be missing the delightful 「ドキドキお姉さん A to Z」, although that song was probably made exclusively for the M3 single. And of course, since 井上みゆ didn't sing 「ラジカル☆キッス!!イノベーション」, this tasty little morsel doesn't constitute a LoveBullets song. Still, for 30$ this is quite the packed album; considering prior LxB albums had 5-6 tracks at the most.

In related GWAVE news, the company has announced the first of its two 2010 compilation albums 「GWAVE2010 1st Grace」, also slated for release on December 24th. A quick glance reveals choice cuts from U, 榊原ゆい), NANA, Rita and plenty more. Speaking of U, here's a fantastic video featuring UNDER17 and Funta (U's non-eroge band) together on stage for a popotan event in 2003. WTF... is that crowd seated? Time for some motherfucking stage dives!!

Thursday, 28 October 2010

M3-2010秋 round-up: iDOLST@GE, SteinGarCoo, 33.turbo + more

Compared to the spring edition of M3-2010 which spawned two large articles, this upcoming fall edition round-up is a bit lighter. Perhaps it has to do with the massive shift to Touhou arranges (which are more or less absent from M3), or perhaps circles are just focusing their efforts for Comiket 79. Either way, there are still quite a few interesting releases for denpa/moe fans. If you wish to purchase any of the following releases, note that is running an M3 group import until October 29th.

Let's start things up with something a little different, but still totally related to this blog. Doujin circle Zero-Shaft has been working on its iDOLST@GE series for around two years, yet they will finally release their first album this coming Sunday. The appropriately-titled 「FirstSt@ge」 packs 13 new songs and an intro, which you can sample on the official website. If you like what you hear, go ahead and download full versions of their 13 previous songs.

At first sight this might seem like an iDOLM@STER arrange album, but everything here is original... except for the concept of course. It's also worth noting that some of the singers have also been involved in denpa projects. There's the delightful ココ of course, who is regularly featured on  (the good) Innocent Key albums. Then you also have 小宮真央, who appeared on the quintessential denpa masterpiece 「エネルギー冷麺 お受験せんそ→☆」 from KuKuDoDo's Holic Service. But whether you know the girls or not shouldn't matter anyway; it's all about the execution and this doujin release certainly rivals Namco's own output.

したいがぁるくぅ (apparently romanized to Stein Gar Coo) is an interesting new unit. They've been around since August 2009 and have two mini-CDs under their belt, with a third one dropping this weekend. The first (self-titled) CD was created under the theme of "yanderock" and had a cute girl with a big pair of bloody scissors on the cover. For a debut, the songs are actually pretty good. You'd think they would have continued in that direction, but somehow they followed it up with a superhero drama CD...

Now they're back with a musical album, and a denpa themed one at that! Although they have offered very few details about the upcoming 「sweeCHU kiss」 mini-album, they have repeatedly stated on their blog that this will be denpa-kei. The imagery sort of gives it away, but this circle introduction video has a very short sample (we're talking less than 20 seconds). Either way, we here at 電波の世界 fully support new denpa units so let's give them the benefit of the doubt until they release longer samples.

UPDATE: They have released a sample MP3. Furthermore, ベイビー・レモネード from melo9/おでんぱ☆スタジオ will be a guest artist!

Good old おでんぱ☆スタジオ have been regular M3/Comiket fixtures ever since their late 2009 debut. Their discipline is second to none when it comes to releasing new music, let's just hope they keep working hard until they reach that next level. This time the odenpa girls are fighting it out at an athletic meet; school's back after all. There will be a "three-legged race" song, how often does that happen? No doubt countless (sexy) mishaps will happen during this brutal sporting event. Unfortunately, no samples are available right now, keep checking the official website for an eventual update.

33.turbo is a cute little denpa/moe unit that sporadically releases singles every now and then. For their M3 single, they took three "little sister" stereotypes (yandere, malicious, righteous) and created four songs out of them. Presumably the fourth one has the trio singing, but the niconico sample only lets us preview the first three songs. Their previous single featured four arranged K-On! songs, so it's good to see them go back to original compositions.

The last time 桜ふみ (SAKURA Fumi) was featured on this blog was also her first. This girl is all over the place: touhou arranges, iDOLM@STER DS, countless eroge theme songs... and don't you dare stop her. 「SIGMA] is her second full-length album, which features both commercial work and brand new songs. One of them is particularly interesting: track #3 「ウイステリア」 was composed by KuKu-motherfucking-DoDo himself. There's also a killer MUZIK SERVANT track; they're all pretty good anyway. If you're looking for some high octane pop/rock with mature female vocals, then this is definitely worth checking out.

That's it for now, but there are a couple more interesting releases in the "denpa watchlist" to your right. Toromi is supposed to have something new. nao/DystopiaGround has a third single coming out. We'll update this post with new releases as they are announced, perhaps even after M3 has passed.

Monday, 11 October 2010

東方紅楼夢6 round-up: new 天然ジェミニ and IOSYS albums

Today (October 11 2010) is 体育の日 (Health and Sports Day), a national holiday in Japan. But diehard Touhou fans won't let a little forced exercise get in the way of their quest to acquire more items for their never-ending collection. For its sixth edition, the Osaka Touhou Festival 東方紅楼夢 is hosting hundreds of doujin artists, many of which will be launching their latest work for the occasion.

Of particular interest to 電波~萌え fans, the recent duo (trio now?) 天然ジェミニ will be releasing their second album 「東方女乱演舞」! If you are not familiar with 愛原佑季 and 愛原千尋 (and big-sister あんな?), please read this previous article. It almost looks as though this is a direct sequel to their C77 album 「東方香辛甘味」, right down to the composers: さつきがてんこもり, 未来派 and 24 bit lolitas all make greatly appreciated returns. Some of the texts were written by master lyricist ユウノウミ, with whom the duo collaborated on multiple occasions in the past. You can check out the demo MP3, but no PV so far.

To be perfectly honest, we haven't really covered IOSYS albums in the past because it feels like they can't bring themselves to focus on quality over quantity. They have great songs, but they're diamonds covered with so much sand. With all due respect to the composers involved, it seems that the chances of one of their albums being memorable is directly proportional to the ratio of songs that feature ARM/void in some capacity. Hate to pick favourite sons, but it is what it is (and feel free to disagree).

That said, while this album features at least five ARM-related tracks out of 12 (medley included), the previews for 「東方浮思戯革命」 seem to indicate that this is a well-balanced album. But just as interesting is the inclusion of three tracks from uno... a.k.a RoughSketch. The young Hokkaido-based DJ has collaborated with IOSYS in the past, notably writing lyrics for "Border of Extacy". But with these three new arranges and a whole remix album in 「東方IO-BEST BEATS」, you might as well think he's a full-time member.

The new album does include a couple of denpa songs, as well as splendid vocal talents from MIKO, the monotone girls and... ゆっくり (The Best Vocaloid Ever). Actually it's just some Windows App called SofTalk, but it sure suits the take'r easy attitude. All this to say that track #9 「 信仰を 集めて生やし うしろあし」 probably takes the cake in terms of wackiest song of the album, and niconico bullet-hell commenters seem to agree.

Like IOSYS, Forest Pireo could use a little more focus when it comes to putting together compilations. Their latest album 「Memory Melodies」 has a couple of fantastic moe~denpa tunes that are unfortunately drowned out by the other tracks. Three of the ten songs feature ななひら and/or kana on vocals, which also means spirited and energetic music to back them up. Unfortunately the rest of the album sounds glum and dreary, which works against the small dose of energy mustered up on tracks 5, 6, 7. Still, for the ななひら completist in all of us, this one can't be skipped!

And now for some bite-sized news regarding today's event:

C.H.S 「蟲と東方と純血(ストロベリー)ジャム」

t+pazolite is back for more madness! Well, it's not like he ever stopped. This funky trip down strawberry lane redefines T.U.I (Touhou Under Influence). I gotta say though, his "Shitty Night" song is totally fucking gross.

ゆきまめ + more 「Digitalic -L+R- Party "Preview ver."」
ゆきまめ is a favourite here at 電波の世界, but it's an absolute shame that she hasn't had her own album yet. Hopefully she'll take a cue from her friend ななひら and this summer's splendid 「ゴキゲン77゚↑」, but until then we'll gladly accept whichever small-time compilation on which she chooses to grace her presence.

k6project 「Thank you "Lotus land"」
Last but certainly not least, we have the mammoth "Thank you Lotus land" compilation from k6project, which packs 46 tunes, 21 manga and 265 illustrations onto a DVD. While you can't sample any of this beast online (it's only 100円 but good luck getting a copy), what's interesting to know is that one of our dear readers, namely cYsmix from Norway, is making his international debut on this compilation. While he is mostly known for his Touhou remixes on Youtube, the guy is also a bit of a denpa fan. To wit, this splendid 狂乱家族日記 ED remix with a hardcore spin.

Monday, 4 October 2010

New ULTRA-PRISM anime OP「侵略ノススメ☆」

Big Brother 小池雅也 and his latest pupil 月宮うさぎ have upgraded from small potatoes eroge to prime-time TV in less than a year's time, as their quest for OP domination continues. ULTRA-PRISM (and don't you dare drop the caps!) released their first album 「inspiration」 in August 2009, followed by a single in March 2010 as well as a bunch of gigs throughout the year. Overall, their self-described "2.5Dpop" sound isn't too far removed from Koike's previous (UNDER17) and current (MOSAIC.WAV, でんぱ組 inc.) undertakings, which is great news for fans of the genre.

But for the latest song 「侵略ノススメ☆」, aniki trades in his trademark black suit and capskull for a sailor's outfit (somebody call Ryo Hazuki). The anime series 「侵略!イカ娘」 (Invasion! Squid Daughter) begins October 4th 2010 and looks like a fun time. Somehow I'm getting a Muteki Kanban Musume vibe from the opening sequence... anyone else? Gotta love that little Dragon Quest sequence!

On a completely different topic, has been kind of slow with the updates since C78. We will try our best to cover M3-Fall 2010 with a comprehensive round-up post when enough information's out there. Doujincore said they cover the event so we'll make sure you know what denpa must-buys should be on your list. All this to say that we do have some other articles coming up, but until then please subscribe to our twitter feed (@denpanosekai) for your daily denpa dose.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

MOSAIC.WAV's seventh single 「脳・内・再・醒~ecphoric dance~」 out today

MOSAIC.WAV's seventh single is out in stores today. Don't confuse this new release with the "touch panel" single, that one was exclusively released for Comiket 78. Instead, 「脳・内・再・醒~ecphoric dance~」 is connected to MOSAIC.WAV's upcoming full-length album, set for release later this year. You can click the banner to check out a sample, but you could also just download it. Doesn't this sound a little different? That's because the title track is a collaboration effort with cosMo, whom they shared the stage with back in February 2010. The tracklist is as follows:
  1. 脳・内・再・醒~ecphoric dance~
  2. Singing & Ringing
  3. Vela
  4. 脳・内・再・醒~ecphoric dance~(Off Vocal)
  5. Singing & Ringing(Off Vocal)
  6. Vela(Off Vocal)
If you're in Japan over the next four weeks, you have four different occasions to see MOSAIC.WAV live. Check the full list here, but if you're looking to get the most bang for your buck, then 萌えフェス it is. This day-long event not only features MOSAIC.WAV and 桃井はるこ as top-billing, it also has over 20 entertainers from the moe-biz. But if you're the jealous/over-protective kind of guy, you may want to steer clear of DJサオリリス. She will fuck your girlfriend.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Get hype! MOSAIC.WAV's 2010 うじゅ image song is upon us

When MOSAIC.WAV released a sample of a new うじゅ song in late July, it was a quiet little piece that would calm your spirit and soothe the soul. They're back with a more "traditional" approach, that is to say hyperactive and mind-blowing in every aspect. 『陣取場取!まるたけえべす』 has a lot in common with their three previous image songs, not that you need to hear it from me. Just a few seconds from the above video should have you convinced that they're back for more of what we want to hear. In case you wish to sing along with み~こ, here's the lyrics sheet.

The song was uploaded to うじゅ's very own youtube channel, so go ahead and add her to your friends list. Be nice though, or you'll answer to me. Even though it's only been active for a few days, the channel has some very interesting elements already. For one, we have another unreleased MOSAIC.WAV song 「嵐電数え歌」, which is used to remember the stations on Kyoto's historic randen train line. Furthermore, there's a rather lengthy and interesting interview with うじゅ's (beautiful) character designer ななみんさん. Too bad they didn't give her a better microphone because I can't quite hear what she has to say. Finally there's another interview with one of the head 天狗 behind all of this.

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Let's catch up with さつきがてんこもり and his latest songs

Although we've covered most of Satsuki's recent collaborations and contributions, it's been about ten months since we introduced him and his original creations that put him on the doujin map. Rest assured he has been very proficient, the fault lies squarely on this writer for lack of diligence. A couple days ago, Satsuki announced some breaking news: he will be doing the ending theme to the Fall 2010 anime series 「俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない」 (shortened to 俺妹 or even oreimou).

Earlier this summer, anime studio aniplex launched a Willy Wonka-esque online contest to award one lucky aspiring composer with the ending theme duty. Not surprisingly, the nicovideo crowd responded en masse with over 1000 videos submitted in a month's time. Sensing that this series could use a straight-up denpa song to wrap up every show with pizazz, Tenkomori enlisted the aid of his friend nanahira and submitted the following video.

It seems many of the other composers used Hatsune Miku (or even no vocals) in their submissions. Perhaps the inclusion of actual female vocals turned the tables in Satsuki's favour, but there's no denying his skills. Clearly, his songs are destined for prime time television, but hopefully they will retain his signature buzz-bass and denpa overtones. It would appear the anime studio also chose a budding artist for the opening theme, awarding it to アリス☆クララ who only uploaded about a dozen cover tracks. A little bird told us nanahira won't be singing the ED theme (which is unfortunate) but hopefully this exposure will be beneficial to her as well.

Just before the oreimou theme, Satsuki uploaded his "big summer hit" 「お断りします」 on June 7th 2010. The original version featured Hatsune Miku but it was soon picked up by multiple singers. To put things in perspective, the song has been listened to at least 1 million times. Satsuki's original upload got about 200k views, but Run's take has over 800k clicks so far! The version featured here is from ななひら, because she is just awesome and deserves every bit of coverage from us.

More recently (August 30th), this little ditty made its way onto the intertubes. Satsuki Studio remixed the popular song ミツバチ for "momobako", who may or may not work for game studio Arc System Works (Guilty Gear, Castle of Shikigami). If you look at the uploaded videos and recent blog entries, you'll notice she provides interesting PV commentary for many of their latest games. There's already another denpa song which is also worth checking out; should we be expecting a mini-album for C79? Hai hai!!

Oh, the 萌え... it burns!!! Check out this insane Dance x Mixer video which ups the moe to unprecedented heights.

Satsuki has many more uploads for you to check out (including this fabulous Kitchen Idol remix) but we'll close today's update with his first international collaboration. Back in March, he was looking for somebody to draw some artwork for one of his upcoming songs. Our own intrepid twitter reporter mandichan stepped up to the plate and the rest is history. Next time your feet hurt, you might wanna consult this song for quick healing.

Stay tuned for another Studio皐 article sooner or later!

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

C78: とろ美 and IOSYS team up for Buddhist temple denpa CD

Title says it all, but when you've picked up your jaw from the floor after watching this fabulous video,  we'll explain how this all came together. Good? Good. Make sure to watch that shit in HD!

For just over a year now, とろ美 has been the mascot of the Ryohoji temple in Akihabara. Long story short, many Buddhist temples are closing their doors due to dwindling attendance and the ensuing lack of funds. But Ryohoji wasn't gonna go out with a whimper! The head monk hired Toromi after he saw her stunning illustrations and cheerful live performance. She's redecorated the park with a ton of cute signs and helps out with daily duties, such as singing Happy Birthday to Buddha and reciting the 16th chapter of the Lotus Sutra in her own crazy way. Thanks to her fiery reform, otaku fans from around the world come to visit and the temple seems to have become a hot ticket once again (despite getting heat from traditionalists).

とろ美  already sells her books and CDs at the temple, so the next logical step was to bring a Ryohoji temple CD to market. The idea isn't exactly far-fetched considering とろ美 is a singer first and foremost, but it's possible that the successful relationship between TOEI's mascot うじゅ and MOSAIC.WAV had some influence. A CD of her own would have been satisfactory, but she set the roof on fire by bringing in one of the the biggest denpa canons out there: ARM from IOSYS is doing the title track! He's also brought あゆ along for the ride, providing plenty of backup vocals and sexy/censored dialog. The title track is a scorcher, but the other 5 tracks are just as incendiary. In the end, this mini-album is like a molotov cocktail: first it explodes, then it fucking burns. All over our faces! 萌え~~~

Saturday, 14 August 2010

C78: おでんぱ☆スタジオ celebrating summer with new single

We here at are all about supporting the little guys, especially those can pump out 13 original songs in less than a year. That's right, おでんぱ☆スタジオ doesn't depend on ZUN and his (admittedly catchy) SHMUP anthems. As was discussed earlier this year, standalone compositions and their artists deserve much more than token lip service. Besides, if you mourn the recent passing of melo9, then Odenpa should provide some comfort as they feature at least one of the members from the dearly departed 萌え duo.

One day we'll have to take a deeper look at おでんぱ☆スタジオ and its members, perhaps even an interview, who knows. For now, suffice to say that they have a hell of a good name, as well as a C77 single and M3-2010 album under their belt. In fact, it wouldn't be premature to call their album one of the must-own denpa releases of 2010. The first single is probably out of print, but you can still get the album from Toranoana and Akibaoo.

But back to the news at hand. C78 saw the release of  「おでんぱ☆夏祭り」, a summer-themed single featuring four new tracks. You can use the but crossfade player on their website, but in case Flash crashes your browser routinely like the rest of us, here's a direct link to the MP3. Unfortunately it only seems to feature 2 of the four songs, so you'll just have to get your hands on the single to check out the rest. However this was likely a C78-only release, so you better hope these songs are featured on a second album. Hell... we should all hope for a second album, no matter what!

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

C78: Sweet*apple なゆ falls on two new albums

なないろぷりずむ 「東方始音曲」
Nayu, nao, ayu, gumi, koko, mi~ko, miko. So many good denpa singers with such short names, but we love them all the same. But nayu's a new one, unless you've been following her niconico cover songs channel ever since she started it in July 2009. Exactly one year later, she is not only singing her first two original songs, but she is also launching her own circle Nanairo Prism, on which she is releasing her first mini-album 「東方始音曲」.

She is bringing a few friends along for the ride. Even though this is her first effort, she managed to round up some considerable guests. We're talking ゆきまめ and ななひら on goddamn vocals, not to mention the "old-timer" 紫月菜乃 for some mature back-ups. The four arrangers are also worth mentioning: the illustrious 未来派 (WTF is up with his website these days??), Rolling Contact aka 天音 (usually known for his hardcore touhou covers), ForestPireo's own ごろう and ぴーえー from Rough Time (one of Satsuki's friends). Put together, this cast makes  「東方始音曲」 yet another must-own C78 item. Here's the PV to 「Swinging Night Fantasy」 as well as the crossfade sampler.

Rhyth 「東方レボリューションZ」
She also has a song on the new Rhyth CD entitled Touhou Revolution Z, which is their second Touhou vocal album as the name implies. Rhyth have an interesting website, looking like it was plucked straight out of the late nineties, scrolling hit counter and all. They also get nerd points for their P.S.G./PicoPico fetish and extremely cute album covers (except the atrocious first one). As luck would have it, なゆ gets to sing 「こい☆よみ」; the only "electropop" track of the album... which may or may not be the only good song depending on your point of view. Still, this is extremely good exposure for the budding new denpa starlet and we certainly wish her a long and prosperous career!

Monday, 9 August 2010

C78: Break out the shopping list, Doujincore open for business!

Comiket 78 is exactly one weekend away, have you decided which artists will get your hard-earned money? If not, better get on it quick since Doujincore are running their usual doujin group import operation as we speak. The order form was made public today and you have until June 13th to send in your list/money. This DIY business is run by some good Canadian kids, so they get Don Cherry's stamp of approval as well as mine. By the way, the "denpa watchlist" on your right was recently updated with the denpa-related C78 offerings, but it is by no means complete (let us know what we're forgetting!!!).

While their shipping/commission fees may seem a little high at first sight, don't forget this may be your only chance to score some C78-exclusive items... not to mention you won't have to stand in line for hours on end. For the record, I am considering the following items: MOSAIC.WAV 「全世界的タッチパネル」, t+pazolite feat. リズナ 「Honey I Scream!」, おでんぱ☆スタジオ 「おでんぱ☆夏祭り」, ななひら 「ゴキゲン77゚↑」, ALBATROSICKS 「PARAMOUNT FEVER !!!!!!!!!!11111」 and possibly their new manga book.

Oh right, you're supposed to stick to CDs with doujincore, but if you really want something else and are ready to pay extra for over-sized shipping, then try and get in touch with them. That said, there is an other option which I've just recently uncovered: Japan Shopping Assistance Service are also going to C78. Their prices are about the same as doujincore's but they don't have an item limit or type restriction. However, I have NOT USED THEM in the past, so in no way is this website endorsing JSAS. You're on your own, but feel free to share your experience if you do end up using them.

UPDATE: doujincore will only buy from the "east"/doujin wing, so forget about that MOSAIC.WAV single or the new とろ美/あゆ/ARM mini-album (OMFG). However I have contacted with JSAS and may end up giving them a try just for these two items.

Saturday, 7 August 2010

C78: t+pazolite feat. リズナ full vocal album 「Honey I Scream!」

Did you enjoy our humongous t+pzolite feat. Rizuna feature two months ago, but thought to yourself "man, it's gonna be a pain in the ass to get all these CDs one by one"? Your buttocks no longer have to suffer, since the duo from heaven & hell has heard your pleas for MOAR. Introducing 「Honey I Scream!」, their latest collaboration effort set to be released in exactly one week from now (08/14/10, Comiket 78).

There is one not-so-subtle difference here... this is a full vocal album! Up to now, リズナ has never had more than two songs on each of t+pazolite's exquisite C.H.S albums. This time we're looking at a whopping 16 tracks! Granted, at least four of them are remixes (including a REDALiCE contribution) and there's "only" five actual new songs (seven if you include the intro and the interlude). Still, this saves you the trouble of hunting down all previous releases and you get snazzy new jacket artwork to boot. Here is their animated PV for the title song.

Pretty wild stuff, right? Download the whole crossfade or stream it directly from the album's webpage. 「おやすみなさい] in particular gets two thumbs up for its creative use of cellphone ringtones. Along with the new ななひら album, this is clearly one of the highlights of this coming Comiket!

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

C78: Get ready for nanahira's 77゚ heat wave

Unless you live on the south pole (and then again), summer has been a real scorcher this far. Well, ななひら apparently doesn't give a shit about global warming as she's about crank the heat up all the way to 77 degrees... Celsius! That's a whopping 170.6 freedomheit. But don't worry, it's a "cheerful" temperature increase, so we'll all burn in hell with a smile on our face.

ゴキゲン77゚↑』 ("Cheerful 77 degree rise") is nanahira's debut album, set to be released on August 14th 2010 during Comiket 78. This is the first full-length denpa album to be announced and it is likely to be the hottest. Much like ゆきまめ and other Nicovideo starlets, ななひら mostly appears here and there on various compilation albums but never got the spotlight treatment until now. Check out the following sampler and if that doesn't work, download the MP3.

The album contains 10 brand new original songs, including a composition by さつき が てんこもり who just seems to be everywhere these days! What's good for him is good for us. There's a couple more "big name" composers such as ラマーズP (who got his own Miku album on EXIT), samfree (contributed a track to Momoi's recent remix album) and U-SKE (who started out with a song on Pico Moe 2). Nothing to scoff at here, you want these guys on your side. On the other hand, save perhaps for Satsuki, none of these dudes have a deep 電波ソング background so perhaps this album is unintentionally denpa after all, or maybe it's all due to nanahira's wild voice.

Wait, what's that?? You've never heard of ななひら before? We have actually covered her before, just very briefly. She is also known (or is that her real name? naaaah) as 奥村りお and recorded a (fantastic) song for Holic Service in the not-so-distant past. But that's about it, she's as fresh as they come. She has mostly performed on Touhou cover albums, such as the totally denpa 「starry presto」 from Halozy. She's always used a really tiny voice and mostly sung ultra-moe songs, so it's worth tracking these previous albums even if the only good tracks are hers. At any rate, crank up the AC when this baby comes out!

Saturday, 24 July 2010

ウマウマ8 might as well be a sampler for 電波トランス2

We've already covered EXIT's first 「DENPA TRANCE」 album and made the point that while it was an excellent compilation, it really is nothing more than an alternate "best of" from their B-list 「ウマウマ」 series. Most of the songs on UMA UMA could be mistaken for actual denpa songs, but some are particularly worthy of the moniker.

The eight UMA UMA album came out on June 2nd 2010, so here are the songs which are likely candidates for the next DENPA TRANCE selection. Click the "from" links to access the original tunes on youtube (most in animated OP/ED form). Should you wish to purchase the first DENPA TRANCE album, or any of EXIT's albums, make sure you do it through CD Japan. They recently started offering FedEx! By the way, there's a 「萌えJ-POP」 album coming out on August 18!

6. キッチンはマイステージ
Judas feat. R. Cena
from: クッキンアイドルアイ!マイ!まいん!

Holy loli macaroni, the original tune was already a little bundle of joy, but this Judas remix spices things right up. R. Cena serves her best imitation of 11-year old 福原遥 and succeeds admirably. Everybody knows the best way to a guy's heart is through his stomach, so "Kitchen Idol" is a very respectable career choice at such a young age.

8. 恋愛サーキュレーション
MK feat. CAMRY
from: 化物語 OP4

EXIT used to be hit-or-miss, but when their remixes sound more engaging and involved than the original version, you know they're on their way up. What would normally be an average anime OP with very little substance is turned into a refreshing piece full of zest and vigor. Don't be surprised if this one doesn't make the DENPA TRANCE 2 cut, but it's still worth a mention. This is a CAMRY performance, after all!

13. できるかなって☆☆☆
Ryu☆ feat. MAKI + CAMRY + Ma15
from: ひだまりスケッチ×☆☆☆

「ひだまりスケッチ×☆☆☆」 has always had denpa-friendly OP themes; observe the first and second versions, the latter of which was already covered on 「アニメトランス BEST 7」 (even though it was better suited for an ウマウマ album). But the big draw here is that motherfucking Ryu☆ is working with the three hottest EXIT singers... all at once. Any of them on their own is newsworthy, but this quartet is the ultimate DENPA TRANCE fan service.

16. Alright! ハートキャッチプリキュア!
Acid=Stone Valley feat. MAKI
from: ハートキャッチプリキュア!

People frequently ask me what makes a song "denpa". If it contains HAI!HAI! screams sharp enough to cut through various animal carcasses, then it's a denpa song. Coincidentally, this fast-paced OP theme is a perfect match for 「Heartcatch PreCure!」, with its over-the-top art style and hot-blooded magical girls. Acid=Stone Valley (great name BTW) and MAKI have created an even more insane version for this album; it's pretty much a shoe-in for 電波トランス2.

17. どっきゅん☆ハート
TokorotenG feat. MAKI
from: どっきゅん☆ハート

TokorotenG isn't exactly the most prolific EXIT remixer, but judging by this contribution, you could swear he's been doing this for ages. The song itself is an interesting pick, showing that EXIT aren't always after the A-list OP themes. It's a "character song" from an episode of the anime Umineko, sung by the character Jessica as she was cosplaying Marisa from Touhou... not only that, but the song itself is apparently full of references to the 2 previous Higurashi series. Deep stuff! Original song is a perfect example of Denpa Rock. Remix is nuts!

MK feat. Maki + Camry + Mi-Mi
from: おまもりひまり ED

Another crazy trio is at work here! 「BEAM my BEAM」 is a great denpa song, and don't just take my word for it, most people will agree it is denpa. Actually, even though this is supposed to be a trance album, this remix probably runs at the same BPM as the fast and furious original version. The voices have been lolified a little and the remixed BGM is slightly more explosive, but other than that there are no major differences. Regardless, this is yet another great example of this up and coming DENPA TRANCE genre that EXIT have a hold on.

Bottom-line: DENPA TRANCE is fucking awesome in more ways than one. It's great for the gym, for one. It's also good for long-distance trips and even when you have people over that might not necessarily be receptive to pure denpa songs such as MOSAIC.WAV or Holic Service. Call it a gateway drug if you must, but let's give credit where credit is due; EXIT have definitely spanned a sub-genre of their own here.