Tuesday, 15 April 2008

MOSAIC.WAV 1st Major ALBUM 発売記念 Live

Sham Studio sent word that MOSAIC.WAV will be holding a "live & sale commemoration" event on Saturday, May 31st 2008. This is actually the first of two announcements, as the specific details regarding ticket availability, event location and pricing won't be made public until April 23rd. What they did mention is that the location will be "considerably larger" than what they used for previous events. They also made sure to remind fans that this is not the launch event, and that copies of Amusement Pack are out there in the wild, ready to be bought and consumed.

Unfortunately, I don't know any MOSAIC.WAV fans from Japan, so it's impossible for me to get a feel of just how "big" the release of Amusement Pack was. In fact, none of my Japanese friends even like JPop that much, much less Denpa. I know we get a lot of 日本人 visitors here at Denpa no Sekai, so if you want to share your story, or better yet your impressions of the live event, please drop an email at denpanosekai@gmail.com. Thanks, ありがとう!

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